The Truth about “Being Left on Read”

Victoria Hutt
2 min readSep 25, 2020

Seen. Ignored. Or maybe not.


Being left on “Read” isn’t actually all that bad.

For starters, if I leave someone on “Read,” chances are it probably actually isn’t about them. I usually am doing a dozen things online at once, I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your text.

For those who don’t know what being “left on Read” means, essentially, it’s when someone reads your text but doesn’t respond to it.

However, my generation has turned it into, yes I see you, but I really don’t care.

In reality, I’ve seen you, and I’ll respond to you when I have time. I see you and I care, but you aren’t my main priority at the moment. Even if you’re being a dry texter, if I care about you, I’ll respond. If I don’t, then I won’t even bother checking your message. Simple.

To put it another way, being left on read is not about you.

And you know what? To those of you who leave people on “Read” on purpose because it is about the other person, who even cares? If someone doesn’t want to talk to you, their loss.

I get it. We’re all angsty teens worried about our image and whatnot, but really? Someone not texting you back calls for an early life crisis?

Sounds like you need to get outside more.

Hey Gen X-ers: My advice? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

~ Victoria Hutt



Victoria Hutt

Just a gal from Russia trying to figure out how to make her mark on the world while living in the US.