Why Mothers are the Strongest Species Out There

A Tribute to my Amazing Mother

Victoria Hutt
3 min readDec 19, 2020
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

My mom stayed with my brother and me in Colorado so we could finish the school year out while my dad worked over a thousand miles away.

From January to June, my mom was tasked with repainting, remodeling, and selling our old house on her own, while continuing the duties of a mother.

Before anyone tries to go off on my dad, his old company was shutting down and he would have been jobless if he hadn’t taken the interview in the Pacific Northwest. He did what was best for his family, which ended up being relocating.

I was bitter about it for a long time. I had a good cry last night because I missed the people and since I’m staying in Washington for college, there might be a chance that I won’t be able to see the people who really matter to me again.

It’s been almost three years since I moved, yet it still gets to me. I’m not bitter about it anymore, but I will never love Washington as much as I did Colorado.

Anyway, my mom ended up remodeling three bathrooms, repainting multiple ceilings and rooms, and putting our house on the market all by herself.

Our weeks were so hectic. My mother, a registered nurse, and avid health nut fed us McDonald’s at least once a week because of how busy we were every single day.

Between monthly blood tests, weekly therapy sessions, after-school music rehearsals, and sports for my brother, my mom never had a moment's rest to herself.

When we got home, she would either be cooking dinner, helping my brother with homework, dealing with my crappy attitude, or face timing with my dad to look at house listings in and around Seattle.

I sank into a deep depression that year and I ended up coming home super late every day instead of right after school to avoid family conflict as much as possible. I would just stay after school and weightlifting or run, but it was against my mom’s wishes which only caused her more stress.

The most badass thing my parents have ever done is put everything that they had on the line to give their kids as many opportunities as possible.

Yes, my parents deserve much more credit than I give them, but we all still have a dynamic that needs improvement. Communication in my household is super important but isn’t executed very well. It isn’t anyone’s fault, in particular, the way my parents were raised has affected how they parent, and the fact that my brother and I are both adopted throws another unseen factor into the mix.

My mom is now a stay-at-home, but remains busy as ever, even in quarantine.

The other day I asked her if she got the video I sent, and she said she would check, followed by “don’t send me funny stuff, I never have the time to look at it.”

My mom says she majored in interior design, but I’m beginning to wonder if she ever took any badass bitch courses along the way.

Nobody can beat my mom’s hustle.



Victoria Hutt

Just a gal from Russia trying to figure out how to make her mark on the world while living in the US.